VirtuSense Insights: Fall Assessments

Back On Course with Ken Bennett | Friendship Village Sunset Hills
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VirtuSense Partners with K&B Underwriters
We are excited to announce a new partnership between VirtuSense Technologies and K&B Underwriters. On September 1st, 2022, K&B launched their new CareAgents program for post-acute..
VSTBalance: Through the Eyes of a Therapist
Originally published October 2022. Updated August 2024. The advent of AI technology in healthcare has sparked diverse reactions among therapists. Some embrace it wholeheartedly,..
The Importance of Lower Body Strength as We Age
Originally published August 2022. Updated August 2024. As we age, maintaining lower body strength becomes crucial for overall health and well-being. Proactive fall prevention for..
Clinical Significance of the TUG Assessment
TUG or Timed Up and Go is a standardized screening tool designed to measure the mobility and fall risk of older adults. It was originally introduced as the “get up and go” in 1986..
Gait Analysis: Why is Step Length Important?
In part one, we defined cadence and gait speed and how they impact falls. While these two variables have a high impact on fall risk, there are other variables that can be assessed..
How Can AI Technology Elevate GP and Physical Therapy Practices?
The best way to treat a fall is to stop it from happening in the first place. VirtuSense Technologies™ provides the number one fall prevention solution in the world by doing just..
Five Fall Prevention Strategies For Your Community
Each year, approximately three million older adults are treated in emergency departments for fall related injuries and 800,000 are hospitalized with hip fractures or head..
Assessing Parkinson’s Patients with VSTBalance
Community Healthcare System’s Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders program takes a multidisciplinary approach to help patients regain their quality of life. “We have a..
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