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How Can AI Technology Elevate GP and Physical Therapy Practices?

Rose Watson Dec 13, 2021 9:53:30 AM
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The best way to treat a fall is to stop it from happening in the first place. VirtuSense Technologies™ provides the number one fall prevention solution in the world by doing just that. By utilizing AI (artificial intelligence), VirtuSense systems detect falls before they happen, no matter if the risk is immediate or long term. If your practice is a champion of proactive healthcare, VSTBalance™ offers simple diagnostics and in-depth data, including a definitive fall risk percentage, to address concerns early and strengthen patients before a fall occurs. Here are just a few ways VirtuSense can maximize care in general practice and physical therapy offices.  

1. Quick and Simple Technology Implementation  

No matter how good a piece of technology is, ease of use and implementation is king in creating a system that elevates how people work. VirtuSense systems are built to be simple, intuitive, and easily installed, so the tool immediately enhances routine check-ups, not interrupts them.  

2. Comprehensive, Long-Term Data on Patient Progress  

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—the VSTBalance system works as a diagnostic tool to establish and reduce a patient’s fall risk months, even up to a year, before a fall might occur. Healthcare providers who use VSTBalance as part of their routine check-up secure a precise suite of data including percentage fall risk, gait length and speed, sensorimotor control, and general function. This data can reflect trends over time that allow healthcare providers to develop proactive strengthening plans for patients long before they experience increased fall risk. This tracked data can also be a valuable motivational tool for patients who may be unable to sense their progress throughout treatment and recovery. Improvement is gradual, but VSTBalance offers both patients and healthcare professionals progressive data for a bigger picture of their treatment. 

3. Ongoing Support for Patients In-between Appointments  

VSTBalance provides guidance for preventative or recovery plans, to stay with patients between visits. Reliable guidance for clinically approved stretches and exercises are available through the program application. This means patients have one stop for daily practice on their phone or tablet, instead of searching through thousands of exercise videos online or relying on pure memory from their last appointment.  

4. Streamlined Population Health Management 


VSTBalance stores broad data on patient populations as well, allowing a practice to review data from different groups to create the best outcomes. The system can arrange data sets based on age, injury type, prescribed therapies, and even clinician, just to name a few. This complex data allows a practice to review their strategies holistically, as well as use hard data to back up their efficacy to both patients and insurance companies.  


VirtuSense technology is easy-to-use and simplifies complex information. In an ever more data-driven world, therapies and treatment plans rely increasingly on defensible data. When clinicians embark on preventative therapies and injury recovery, having quick and easy diagnostic tools that provide deep data can bring a practice above its peers, to the forefront of proactive healthcare, and keep their patients healthier longer.