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Rose Watson

Photo of an old heart rate monitor from a hospital room

How Do Hospitals Use Remote Patient Monitoring for Proactive Care?

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How Do Hospitals Use Remote Patient Monitoring for Proactive Care?

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) has burst onto the zeitgeist in the last few years as remote monitoring technology became mobile, and a new wave of health and wellness culture..

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Surveying Fall Prevention Innovation: Fall Prevention Week 2022

This National Fall Prevention Awareness Week, we wanted to hear from the acute healthcare community on fall prevention trends. After the results were tallied, it’s clear to say..

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Trends in Healthcare Investment

Here's a brief Q&A round-up from this informative session presented at the NEXT Summit on August 5.

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The Lifecycle of Senior Living: An Ecosystem of Care

With VSTAlert’s new senior living functionality, VirtuSense has created fall prevention that extends to all stages of senior care. By blending the long-term effects of VSTBalance..

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VSTAlert Features Tools to Manage Your Team

Having clear communication and collaboration with your team is vital for successful fall prevention in Senior Living, but it is challenging to keep teams aligned across different..

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Changing Fall Prevention in Senior Living

Historically, fall prevention has been managed through risk reduction, reviewing past falls in team huddles, and putting more pressure on care teams to be everywhere at once. But..

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Why Do Residents Fall in Senior Living? The Three Core Causes.

Fall prevention for older adults is rarely a one-solution problem because no single factor causes falls. Falls can be caused by several factors that often intersect with each..

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