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Changing Fall Prevention in Senior Living

Rose Watson May 11, 2022 3:00:00 PM
An older woman walks down the hall of a senior living hallway with a caregiver

Historically, fall prevention has been managed through risk reduction, reviewing past falls in team huddles, and putting more pressure on care teams to be everywhere at once. But these strategies don’t help stop a fall in the moment, especially when a resident might be in their room. There’s a new way to protect your senior living community from falls that's proactive, private, and flexible. This is how VSTAlert for Senior Living is changing fall prevention. 

VSTAlert for Senior Living is designed to support staff via 24/7 in-room resident monitoring without limiting residents' movements or routines. The solution has customizable settings so it can be used across independent living, assisted living, and memory care conditions. And, unlike many other resident-monitoring solutions on the market, VSTAlert doesn’t use cameras, so resident privacy is protected at the same level as resident safety.  

Instead, VSTAlert uses LIDAR sensors with artificial intelligence (AI) to detect falls or the conditions of a fall, depending on the sensitivity setting. LIDAR is a type of infrared, so photorealistic images are never captured—protecting resident data. The AI interprets the sensor data to determine if a resident is exiting a chair or bed and needs assistance or has fallen and needs help immediately. This allows the solution to alert team members 30-65 seconds before a high-risk resident falls, so the team can stop a fall from happening.  

Being proactive is what separates VSTAlert from other fall-prevention solutions. Many other responses start after a fall has happened, especially in senior living situations where residents are independently mobile like memory care. Once a fall occurs the care team can analyze it, review footage from in-room cameras, and make changes based on their findings. But none of these strategies prevent the damage done by the initial fall—damage that often begins a series of negative health events for older adults.  

True fall prevention gets your team to residents when they’re needed so falls don’t happen, emergency room visits are avoided, and residents can live without restraints.

Find out more about VSTAlert for Senior Living.