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VirtuSense Insights: VSTOne

Photo of an old heart rate monitor from a hospital room

How Do Hospitals Use Remote Patient Monitoring for Proactive Care?

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How Do Hospitals Use Remote Patient Monitoring for Proactive Care?

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) has burst onto the zeitgeist in the last few years as remote monitoring technology became mobile, and a new wave of health and wellness culture..

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Real-Time Location Services: The Next Tool for Hospitals?

Article edited by Rose Watson. Hospitals are hunting for new ways to boost efficiency on their floors. Among new communications platforms, reporting software, and AI tools,..

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Surveying Fall Prevention Innovation: Fall Prevention Week 2022

This National Fall Prevention Awareness Week, we wanted to hear from the acute healthcare community on fall prevention trends. After the results were tallied, it’s clear to say..

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On the Offensive

Trying to Prevent Patient Falls, Tennessee Hospital Association Partners with AI Company

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Is AI Fall Prevention Taking Over Virtual Sitting?

As technology has become more and more entrenched in the medical world, virtual sitters have become a go-to solution for hospitals trying to reduce falls without the cost of..

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Fall Technology: Preventing Falls with Tech in Acute Care

Understanding the needs of your at-risk community and having the right fall prevention technology in place is vital to keeping people safe, no matter what level of care they need.

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An AI Solution to Nursing Alarm Fatigue and Decision Fatigue

Hospitals are alarm-heavy environments, and for a good reason: lifesaving events are taking place every day. But when alarms transform into a constant din of background noise,..

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Start 2022 with AI in your Healthcare Tools

It’s officially 2022! While we start a new year with new goals, it’s the perfect time to launch upgraded technology systems for your healthcare community. Artificial intelligence..

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How Does VirtuSense Technology Elevate Acute Care?

When it comes to hospital settings, primary diagnosis is never the only risk a patient is facing. Trauma, time, and treatment impact a patient’s recovery and increase their..

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