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VirtuSense Insights: Healthcare

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How AI is Revolutionizing Post-Acute Care

Artificial intelligence plays a transformative role in post-acute care. The use of AI improves the process of analyzing patient data, facilitates telehealth, and provides..

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Real-Time Location Services: The Next Tool for Hospitals?

Article edited by Rose Watson. Hospitals are hunting for new ways to boost efficiency on their floors. Among new communications platforms, reporting software, and AI tools,..

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VSTBalance: Through the Eyes of a Therapist

What do therapists think about VirtuSense’s fall-risk assessment solution, VSTBalance? Some accept this innovative technology with open arms, while others are hesitant. Why is..

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Surveying Fall Prevention Innovation: Fall Prevention Week 2022

This National Fall Prevention Awareness Week, we wanted to hear from the acute healthcare community on fall prevention trends. After the results were tallied, it’s clear to say..

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Trends in Healthcare Investment

Here's a brief Q&A round-up from this informative session presented at the NEXT Summit on August 5.

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AI in Healthcare: An Industry of Innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be the stuff of sci-fi, comic books, and fantastical thinking, but like many sci-fi ideas, it has stepped confidently out of fiction, and into..

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Five Exercises to Keep Seniors Strong in Colder Months

Chilly weather may make everyone want to hibernate until spring, but winter can be especially hard on older adults. Older bodies are less efficient at producing heat, and cold..

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Life Lessons from VirtuSense CMO, Dr. Tom Hale

It goes without saying (but I’m saying it anyway), we are fortunate at VirtuSense to have a great leadership team. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Tom Hale, is no exception. He’s..

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Representation Matters in Healthcare

There’s no doubt, that having a diverse workforce in any industry in 2021 is essential for success, but in healthcare it can be a matter of life or death. Health outcomes for..

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