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How Does VirtuSense Technology Elevate Acute Care?

Rose Watson Dec 9, 2021 11:05:25 AM
Article Banner reading: AI Elevates Acute Care, over a photo of a hospital room

When it comes to hospital settings, primary diagnosis is never the only risk a patient is facing. Trauma, time, and treatment impact a patient’s recovery and increase their fall-risk and monitoring needs. Fall prevention is vital to creating a path to recovery. Patients who are not acclimated to reduced mobility can increase pressure on nursing staff, doubling the challenge of managing a hospital floor efficiently. Artificial intelligence (AI) opens the door to solutions that support nursing staff and prevent falls that cause injury to patients. Here’s just a glimpse into how VirtuSense’s healthcare AI can maximize care in hospitals and high-risk treatment environments.  

1. Consistent, long-term health data on patients without additional man-hours 

In acute care, a patient can deteriorate rapidly, and having accurate, consistent, and reliable health data is paramount for being proactive with a declining patient. VSTOne™ is an AI-driven monitoring and healthcare telemetry system that ensures vitals are monitored and tracked 24/7, without time spent doing rounds. A wireless, wearable monitor is set with normative ranges specific to each patient. The system alerts nursing staff when patient vitals fall outside of normal, creating an immediate response.  

2. Predictive bed-exit alerting to improve staff response time  

Most fall management solutions only alert after a patient has left their bed, or conversely, are so sensitive that normal human movement like rolling over sets off unnecessary alarms. The artificial intelligence powering VSTOne is precise and intuitive—meaning nurses are alerted 30-65 seconds before a patient attempts to stand. Hospitals have seen up to 80% reduction in falls while using VSTOne. Nurses can attend to the patient at the exact moment that they are needed, creating patient confidence and reducing alarm fatigue.  

3. Streamlining time, tech, and paperwork used in patient monitoring  

The healthcare industry is struggling with a nursing shortage projected to increase as the U.S. population ages. Hospitals need their nursing teams to be supported now more than ever, and routine rounds take valuable time out of a nurse’s day that could be used for more complex tasks. The telemetry included in VSTOne removes the need for compulsive rounding and increases nurse efficiency and floor management. All patient records are kept in a digital file, and bulky wired monitors are eliminated, making the patient more comfortable throughout their recovery. 

4. Increase patient/doctor face time with telehealth options  

One of the top factors for patient satisfaction is time spent face-to-face with doctors and specialists, which can be challenging in a socially distanced world. VSTOne offers integrated telehealth capabilities that connect patients with doctors instantaneously, building better patient/doctor relationships. Telehealth options create flexibility for specialist consultations, too. By bringing the best care into a patient’s room quickly, a hospital can boost a patient’s trust in their care team. 

Technology offers elevation for tried-and-true care processes. Adding AI to healthcare creates support to a care team, flexibility and comfort for patients, and peace of mind for families who want the best care possible. VirtuSense’s complex AI solutions create proven strategies for fall reduction and positive patient outcomes.  

Reach out for a Demo today to see how VirtuSense can elevate your acute care.