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VST Culture: No-Shave November

Rose Watson Dec 3, 2021 3:21:11 PM
A collage of mug-shot style photos of 10 men from VirtuSense with their facial hair grown out.

The VirtuSense men faced the fuzz and grew out their whiskers to raise money for cancer research in this year’s No-Shave November!  

All month long the group got more and more mustachioed as coworkers donated dollars and dimes to support their favorite ‘stache. This year’s proceeds go to ten worthy charities, including the National Foundation for Cancer Research, the National LGBT Cancer Network, and the Testicular Cancer Society. We are so delighted to participate in this annual initiative.  

A big thank you to our participants for sticking with it from five o’clock shadow to hipster chic, and thank you to our team for donating throughout the month. VirtuSense has matched our office donations, spreading the spirit of generosity even further. We love being part of a team that works together when things get hairy.  

Learn more about No-Shave November at and see all the benefiting charities.