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VirtuSense Insights: AI (2)

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Risky Business: Video Surveillance in LTPAC

When looking at senior living communities, safety is a factor that should not be ignored. So much so that many communities have placed cameras throughout their community to..

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Safety or Surveillance: Cameras in LTPAC

The pursuit of increased safety in senior living and LTPAC communities has driven more resident monitoring solutions, especially video monitoring, into resident rooms.

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How Remote Patient Monitoring Supports Skilled Nursing Teams

Nurses are under more pressure than ever to handle an ever-increasing workload in long-term care and skilled nursing communities across the country. With the nursing shortage..

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Fall Technology: Preventing Falls with Tech in Acute Care

Understanding the needs of your at-risk community and having the right fall prevention technology in place is vital to keeping people safe, no matter what level of care they need.

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An AI Solution to Nursing Alarm Fatigue and Decision Fatigue

Hospitals are alarm-heavy environments, and for a good reason: lifesaving events are taking place every day. But when alarms transform into a constant din of background noise,..

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AI in Healthcare: An Industry of Innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be the stuff of sci-fi, comic books, and fantastical thinking, but like many sci-fi ideas, it has stepped confidently out of fiction, and into..

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Start 2022 with AI in your Healthcare Tools

It’s officially 2022! While we start a new year with new goals, it’s the perfect time to launch upgraded technology systems for your healthcare community. Artificial intelligence..

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“Squid Game” Christmas Tree Shows-Off AI Technology

During an office Christmas tree decorating contest, VirtuSense’s Engineers took their tree to the next level by programming an automated game of Red-Light, Green-Light as part of..

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How Does AI Elevate Long-Term Care Communities?

Long-term care is the marathon to acute care’s hundred-meter dash. Giving your team the right tools to provide top-tier care 24/7 is vital to maintaining a safe, healthy, and..

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