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How Remote Patient Monitoring Supports Skilled Nursing Teams

Rose Watson Feb 10, 2022 11:15:00 AM
a nurse in blue scrubs responds to a remote patient monitoring notification on a tablet

Nurses are under more pressure than ever to handle an ever-increasing workload in long-term care and skilled nursing communities across the country. With the nursing shortage stretching teams thin, having remote patient monitoring systems in post-acute care is a game-changer for resident safety and nurse stress levels because it serves as a safety net and an organization tool. VSTAlert is a remote patient monitoring solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI). 

Balancing Workload  

Remote patient monitoring options offer levels of patient oversight and new ways to balance nurse workloads. For example, management-level users can see the entire floor at once, understand which patients need more attention, and direct their team accordingly. And because VSTAlert directs fall prevention alerts to specific nurses, teams work together seamlessly to create full coverage without every nurse receiving alerts for the entire floor. VSTAlert’s predictive AI identifies a resident’s intent to exit their bed or chair 30-65 seconds before they’re up. This allows the assigned nurse to arrive before the fall can happen, reducing paperwork and emergency care that occurs after falls.  

VSTAlert also allows short-staffed teams to eliminate extra rounding that adds stress. Night shifts that operate with a smaller team can rely on VSTAlert’s RPM to have their back for emergencies and keep their residents safe.  

Peace of Mind

Managing worry and stress on an understaffed team is vital to ensuring the team can continue to perform, especially in healthcare environments where the stakes are high. Nurses across all strata of care are experiencing burnout stemming from a lack of support and anxiety. Remote patient monitoring with VSTAlert provides reassurance for nursing teams that their residents are okay, even when they are in other rooms. This peace of mind allows nurses to focus on one task at a time, and engage with their residents fully, without continuously rushing to the next room. Remote patient monitoring functions like an extra sense that helps nurses stay in flow and pushes worries away.

It is more important than ever that skilled nursing teams are provided with intuitive, effective tools that unlock their potential, instead of straining it further. While organizations struggle to hire amid the nursing shortage, empowering the teams that have continued to provide stellar care is just one way to give back.  

Request a Demo to see how VSTAlert can support your nurses today.