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VirtuSense Insights: AI in Fall Prevention (4)

10 Questions to Ask Before Working With a Fall Prevention Company

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10 Questions to Ask Before Working With a Fall Prevention Company

Fall prevention solutions in long-term care are costly, and often require bulky equipment, costly infrastructure upgrades, and extra staffing to monitor or manage the technology,..

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Deepak Gaddipati on Innovations for Aging Well

On this episode of Innovations for Aging Well, Deepak Gaddipati, CTO of VirtuSense Technologies, discusses an innovative suite of products using artificial intelligence and data..

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Dealing With the Aftermath of a Fall

Falls among seniors in hospitals and long-term care are devastating, both physically and emotionally for the victims and the staff caring for them. In the critical moments after a..

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How do AI and Fall Prevention Work Together?

Two million older adults are treated in the ER every year for fall-related injuries. Healthcare professionals everywhere are searching for better solutions, asking the question:..

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How is AI reducing the frequency of hospital falls?

Falls in hospital care happen frequently—too frequently. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 700,000 to 1 million hospitalized patients fall every year...

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