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12 Days of VirtuSense: 12 Ways VirtuSense Can Benefit Your Company

Rose Watson Nov 29, 2021 5:35:09 PM
A banner with snowflakes and fir branches reading: 12 Days of Christmas with VirtuSense

The season of giving is upon us, and sometimes the most important gift is something practical. VirtuSense Technologies specializes in solutions that relieve stress from a busy healthcare team. Let's help your practice, care community, or hospital hit the ground running in 2022. Here are 12 ways VirtuSense can innovate your day-to-day.  

1. Improve emergency-response communication among your staff.  

When things go wrong, speed and communication are key. VirtuSense products are designed to provide the right information exactly when you need it—no matter if the emergency is a fall-risk or a drop in patient vitals, your team will be ready to respond.  

2. Manage your entire floor from a single screen.

Hospitals and LTC communities have many moving pieces. VSTAlertand VSTOne™ eliminate shift scheduling, nurse allocation, and patient onboarding frustrations by providing a simple, central screen with a birds-eye view of your operation.  

3. Reduce falls with injury by up to 96%.  

Falls with injury cost a healthcare company more than just insurance claims and recovery charges. They damage the relationship between a patient or resident and their community of care. Reducing falls maintains a company’s financial health and community cohesion.  

4. Reduce false alarms by up to 95%.  

Your healthcare team is the face of your company. False alarms create fatigue and frustration for your frontline that makes providing top-tier care difficult. Alert accuracy keeps a team energized and reactive around the clock.  

5. Streamline population health management with the VSTBalance™ cloud portal.  

Healthcare today is more data-driven than ever, and VSTBalance gives organizations hard metrics on efficacy. If you’re test driving a new therapy, or just reviewing benchmarks, VSTBalance’s cloud portal puts your practice at your fingertips.  

6. Personalized experience with the VirtuSense support team.  

No matter what system fits your needs, our Support team is dedicated to making your experience with our ecosystem successful. Our clients have a dedicated team member for any and all questions, and our developers are always working to upgrade and expand our ecosystem.  

7. Predictive bed-exit alerting improves staff response time.  

Our technology is the number one fall prevention solution in the world, meaning that your team gets ahead of falls, instead of reacting after the fact. With alerts deploying 30-65 seconds before a bed exit, your staff can be there every time.  

8. Eliminate clunky vitals technology.  

VSTOne™ includes 24/7 vitals monitoring and telemetry from a wireless and discreet wearable monitor. This eliminates hours spent completing rounds and manually checking vitals.  

9. Quick and simple technology implementation.  

The best technology is easy to use and augments your workflow from day one. Our systems are set up quickly. Team members complete training in as little as 15 minutes. And our system integrates seamlessly with the technology your company is already using.  

10. Improve quality of care by eliminating busy work.

Decision fatigue is a challenge that hits healthcare professionals hard. VirtuSense systems remove busy work from your staff’s daily checklists, meaning they have more time and energy to tackle more complex tasks that improve care.  

11. Cover your entire building without e-sitters.  

VirtuSense’s artificial intelligence maintains patient privacy and dignity while providing 24/7 monitoring at a fraction of the cost of e-sitters. The AI sensors are not cameras and do not record patients, ensuring HIPPA compliance and 24/7 attentive monitoring.  

12. Enhance your marketing messaging by using the #1 Fall Prevention Solution in the World. 

Show prospective clients that you are invested in providing top-tier care by being a champion of innovative healthcare. By partnering with the number one fall solution in the world, you are not just prioritizing your patients/residents today, but tomorrow too.  

Give your healthcare organization the gift of innovation this season and see how VirtuSense Technologies can reduce falls and support staff. Request a Demo today.