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Cover Unstaffed Hours with AI During the Nursing Shortage

Madison Schwindenhammer Nov 18, 2022 11:30:00 AM

The undeniable–and damaging–nursing shortage across the healthcare industry is leaving providers wondering one blaring question: “Is there an end in sight?”

According to an AHCA/NCAL survey in 2021, 86 percent of nursing homes and 77 percent of assisted living providers said their workforce declined in a matter of months over the pandemic. The stigma now surrounding nursing jobs during the height of COVID-19 has had long-term effects and will likely only be remedied with time. So how do we get to a place of change? The question shouldn’t be “How can we recruit more workers to pursue nursing again?” but rather “What can we do to make nursing the gratifying career it used to be?”

The answer: a better nursing environment. Once the noble, fulfilling parts of a nursing career outweigh the unmanageable frustrations nurses face on the day-to-day, many workers will likely return to the field.

In the technology-driven world we live in, many providers are finding that AI (artificial intelligence) technology is not just a concept reserved for sci-fi movies. It's a valuable tool that is here and available today to make care at nursing facilities more efficient, individualized, and people driven.


Improve Patient-to-Nurse Staffing Ratios

AI technology like VSTAlert is reinventing the way nurses manage at-risk residents on their floors. With a nurse's dashboard and the ability for care teams to receive alerts on their endpoint devices, this streamlined approach allows for skilled nursing staff to have a larger view into which residents need care immediately, which helps greatly with time management.

When your staffing schedule is barer than it should be, what would happen if you implemented technology that improves efficiency enough to save up to two full-time employees' worth of staff time? How could that change the working environment for your current staff?

Productivity would increase greatly, and where nurses used to be overwhelmed beyond their abilities, they would then be able to spend more time doing what they do best — giving individualized care and creating a comfortable environment for residents to rest and recover. That’s exactly what VSTAlert allows staff to do.


More Time. Better Care.

VSTAlert prioritizes resident needs and gives staff the tools to provide the best care possible. AI is opening doors for a more pleasant working experience for staff in healthcare and improving quality of care.

Download the white paper to learn more about how VSTAlert is aiding the nursing shortage across the United States.


Request a demo of VSTAlert here.